最勇敢的真 HERO!美國「護妹」小弟英勇行為引來美國隊長、鋼鐵人等眾英雄讚許!

英雄不總是出現在螢光幕上,其實他/她們離我們很近!近期美國有位名叫  Bridger Walker 的 6 歲男孩因保護了險被大狗攻擊的妹妹,左臉頰因而掛彩需縫合多達 90 針。「如果有人要死,我認為也該是我不是妹妹」,這樣冒著近乎毀容的風險也要守護小妹的行為也讓其姑姑在個人 IG 上標記了多位漫威英雄的帳號,希望他們能給予這位小英雄鼓勵。


via Trends Wide



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My nephew is a hero who saved his little sister from an attacking dog. He, himself, took on the attack so that the dog wouldn’t get his sister. He later said, “If someone was going to die, I thought it should be me.” He got home from the hospital last night. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m reaching out to the Avengers and other heroes so that they can learn about this latest addition to their ranks. Please, check your DM’s for my sweet nephew’s story. @tomholland2013 @chrishemsworth @robertdowneyjr @markruffalo @prattprattpratt @twhiddleston @chadwickboseman @vindiesel @chrisevans @vancityreynolds @thehughjackman Edit: I never expected my sweet nephew’s story to reach so many. Please, follow my other post (I only have two so far 😅) for the latest info regarding my sweet nephew and his family.

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貼文一上傳後,不少網友也紛紛對於 Bridger 表達慰問和讚賞。而飾演美國隊長的 Chris Evans 首先就錄製了影片來回覆這位小男孩。在影片中,Chris 讚賞了 Bridger 行為也認為他的妹妹相當幸運能有這樣英勇和無私的哥哥,最後更表示要贈送他真正的「美隊盾牌」來給予表揚,最後更勉勵他繼續保持勇敢。



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There are no words. We are so, so thankful.

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而飾演蜘蛛人的 Tom Holland 和鋼鐵人 小勞勃道尼 也在之後與 Bridger 進行對話,在表達對於小英雄的讚賞之餘,也給予他獎勵和祝福。Bridger 本只是以一顆保護親愛妹妹的心,但最後卻得到了無價的勇氣寶藏。最後編輯也祝福小英雄能早日康復,繼續實踐這份善心!



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When dreams come true.

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Source: IG@nicolenoelwalker

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