吳亦凡新歌霸榜 iTunes 遭疑?!亞莉安娜經紀人這麼說!

歌手吳亦凡 2 日推出新專輯《Antares》,成績表現亮眼空降 iTunes 冠軍,但卻被爆出美國 iTunes 察覺粉絲刷榜,將全專輯下架重整數據,讓美國小天后亞莉安娜(Ariana Grande)經紀人發文評論此事,接著亞莉安娜本人對某則 Diss 吳亦凡刷榜 PO 文點讚,引發眾多網友熱議!今(8 日)亞莉安娜經紀人 Scooter Braun 發文澄清。


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Over the past few days I have become aware of an artist named @kriswu. Last night we had an opportunity to connect and talk and show respect. We learned of eachother since many rumors have come out about both us in connection to his newest release. Kris is a great artist who on a global scale is a star. It was explained to he and I last night that because his release was held back in China for his birthday his fans went and got the music any way they could and that was US Itunes. Once the release in China took place the fans had their access. He has never been removed from the charts on iTunes. That is false. Those were real people from the US and international community and not bots like many have rumored. I have never wished anything bad for Kris nor any other artist and those saying otherwise are wrong. Any fans of anyone I manage who are using this opportunity to spread any sort of division or racism are dead wrong and I won’t stand for it. The music community is international and no longer held by borders. Kris happy birthday and you showed yourself to be a global star. Glad we got to connect and speak and keep your head held high. This is just the first of many achievements for you. And for those using my name for false rumors now you know exactly where I stand. Keep it positive.

Scooter Braun(@scooterbraun)分享的貼文 於 張貼

此事件起因為吳亦凡新專輯歌曲橫掃美國 iTunes 前10名,力壓亞莉安娜、女神卡卡新歌,傳聞美國 iTunes 察覺數字異常,質疑粉絲刷榜,將專輯下架並清除數據。原先位居亞軍的亞莉安娜,也因此重回榜單冠軍。

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隨後網友爆出亞莉安娜經紀人 Scooter Braun,在推特發文評論吳亦凡粉絲刷榜一事,但此文 PO 出後一分鐘便刪除,隨即引發網友熱議!5 日 Scooter Braun 出面解釋推特瘋傳的文章是假的,他並不認識吳亦凡。

[spacer height=”10px”] Scooter Braun 澄清上面一事後,眼尖的網友又發現小天后亞莉安娜,對某則 Diss 吳亦凡的刷榜 PO 文點讚,讓此話題再度重登微博熱搜。隨著傳聞消息越演越烈,吳亦凡工作室及環球音樂發聲明表示「吳亦凡先生的專輯及單曲均在榜且可正常購買,榜單數據成績真實有效並未存在下架一說。」也請不實信息發佈者立即刪除且停止擴散,否則將追究到底。

今台灣時間 8 日亞莉安娜經紀人在 IG 上也發文澄清:「最近有很多關於我們的謠言,昨晚已經和吳亦凡聊過,並表達對彼此間的尊重。」而對於吳亦凡專輯下架與排行榜數據被移除一事,亞莉安娜經紀人也表示否認。最後 Scooter Braun 表示很開心有機會與吳亦凡談話,除了祝他生日快樂外,也希望他不要理會網路上流傳的不實謠言。

翻攝|Scooter Braun IG


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