在美國密西根州,知名歌手 Eminem 特意在一所高中的畢業典禮上送上祝福,不僅特意出聲祝賀,更送畢業生們人手一組 Beats by Dre 耳機,希望他們在未來步步高升!有這樣的畢業典禮真的是終身難忘!不多說趕緊來看影片吧!
賀詞內容:「What’s up Class of 2017? This is Eminem. I just want to say congratulations to the graduating seniors of Flint Northwestern, Flint Southwestern and Flint Accelerated Learning Academy, Congrats to all your guys’ hard work, man. You earned this moment.”」
source: complex / image via: Hip Hop Golden Age