Thom Browne 開啟全新時尚質料!美國首位發佈「Cool Wool」的設計師

Thom Browne 的履歷非常驚人,不只擔任自己的同名品牌設計師,還擔任著名男裝品牌 Brooks Brothers 旗下「Black Fleece」系列的主理人以及義大利服飾品牌 Moncler 旗下高級男裝支線「Moncler Gamme Bleu」的創意總監。並且曾獲得 2006 年美國服裝設計師協會時尚大獎(CFDA)最佳男裝設計師和 2005 年時尚基金獎亞軍,並曾經進入 Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum 舉辦的國家設計獎決賽階段,也獲得過 FASHION GROUP INTERNATIONAL 2005 年的男裝新星稱號,作為設計師可說是榮耀滿載。但 Thom Browne 稍早再度讓人感到震撼,他成為了全美第一個提供以「Cool Wool」為質料的設計師,並且從澳洲進口了將近 190 g/m² 的羊毛,將能夠為整個季節提供足夠的服飾產量。

Thom Browne:「Wool has long been an essential element of my collection and this partnership with The Woolmark Company allows me to further explore the possibilities and boundless potential of the fiber. We’re using more wool in our spring collections each year and its natural benefits such as breathability and shape retention mean it is perfect for lightweight suiting. I’m excited about the prospect of these collaborative collections with Woolmark. I was proud to be a judge for The International Woolmark Prize earlier this year and look forward to building on our creative partnership.」







source : hypebeast



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