Travi$ Scott 近日在芝加哥 Lollapalooza 音樂節開唱,不知道 Travi$ Scott 是不是太亢奮了,竟嗨過頭鼓噪現場歌迷衝出圍欄靠舞台近一點,而這句話也真的讓廣大歌迷爆走了,現場整個超級大失控,好險活動的維安人員緊急處理,讓這鬧劇不再擴大。Travi$ Scott 的爆走行為讓自己的剩餘演唱時間被取消,隨後還被當地芝加哥警方逮捕,以下是警方的聲明,只能說這次 Travi$ Scott 真的是玩過頭了,本人隨後也被成功保釋。
The performer played one song and then began telling fans to come over the barricades. Due to the security’s quick response, the situation was remedied immediately and no fans were injured. The performer fled the scene and was taken into custody a short while later。