最近紐約 instergram 上出現了一個帳號 hotdudesreading ,裡面滿滿都是在地鐵裡拿著書閱讀的帥哥們已經將近 20 萬的粉絲追蹤了。想當年手機科技沒這麼發達的時候,也是很多人會在捷運或火車上面看書,小編我也是會拿著早自修要考的國文在背,真懷念車廂裡那種書香氣息阿~ 不過小編腦海想到台灣最有名的書卷男的卻是…..
Spotted this scruffy prince on his morning commute. Probably to sculpture class. I’m sure he’s reading a collection of post-war Russian short stories, but really thinking of how he made love to his French girlfriend this morning and the gluten free toast they shared after. #marryme #hotdudesreading