還記得兩隻當紅的玩具代表胡迪警長與巴斯光年嗎?由迪士尼公司和皮克斯工作室聯手打造的傳奇經典動畫片《玩具總動員》系列,在今天迪士尼執行長鮑勃伊格(Bob Iger)正式宣布將開啟《玩具總動員 4》的電影計畫,並明確表明將於 2017 年的 6 月中回歸上映!導演人選將由《玩具總動員》、《玩具總動員 2》的導演約翰萊斯特(John Lasseter)回歸擔任,而兩位玩具主角的配音員湯姆漢克斯(Tom Hanks)與提姆艾倫(Tim Allen)也將會如期回歸劇組!導演 John Lasseter 也對此事發表言論:
“We love these characters so much; they are like family to us. We don’t want to do anything with them unless it lives up to or surpasses what’s gone before. ‘Toy Story 3’ ended Woody and Buzz’s story with Andy so perfectly that for a long time, we never even talked about doing another ‘Toy Story’ movie. But when Andrew, Pete, Lee and I came up with this new idea, I just could not stop thinking about it. It was so exciting to me, I knew we had to make this movie—and I wanted to direct it myself.”
這段聲明能看出,會有《玩具總動員 4》是經過多方的討論,誕生出新的想法,讓導演 John Lasseter 想去親自指導完成它。相信大家都知道《玩具總動員 3》在票房與影評的部分都表現十分優異,甚至讓多數深愛《玩具總動員》系列的影迷們,深信這就是該系列的完美結局,如今卻跑出續集計畫,實為震驚,希望全新一集能讓我們看到一個全新的電影故事格局!