Supreme X 阿基拉 聯名車款現身巴黎?!

專門在留心追蹤 Supreme 動向的 IG 社團 supcommunity 近日看到了一輛在巴黎市區街道出現、車身上印有 Supreme 以及阿基拉日文字樣的車款,讓 Supreme 粉絲們見到後紛紛欣喜若狂。但此車輛設計並非出自官方之手,而是由 Charles Monteverdi 所打造的藝術作品。

除了車子之外, Charles Monteverdi 更上網申請了 的網址名稱,只要點入就可以看見該網址將直接導入 Supreme 的官網。而整個企劃的起因,是因為 Charles Monteverdi 想要用不同方法參與 Supreme X 阿基拉這個令人興奮的聯名系列。而對他來說轉發貼文也是參與的一部分,但只不過他更大氣的做出了一台車罷了。藝術行動家的想法真的是令人猜不透啊!

Supreme 線上購買:點此


The spotted Supreme / Akira car in Paris is an art project by Charles Monteverdi. The domain has also been registered by him which currently redirects to the Supreme website. On his website he states the project description as follows „The question arises: how to be part of the banquet for the Supreme Akira collection? An effective idea would draw „a little more“ attention to this event and indirectly, demonstrate my expertise.“ So for that he styled this car and placed it in front of Colette Paris. He also states „He will communicate soon on the result“ of the project. If you consider the current reposts and such about the car, it seems to be already working out for Charles 😉 #supreme

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