Nike 聯手 Kith 重新發售 Air Force 1“Linen”

適逢 Air Force 1 35 周年紀念活動將至,Nike 近日可謂動作頻頻。除了早前我們報道的 VLONE x Air Force 1 以及 OFF-WHITE x Air Force 1,Nike 近日聯手 KITH 重新發售於 2001 年為日本地區消費而設的專屬 Air Force 1 “Linen” 配色。通體亞麻色的皮革鞋面輔以南海岸色調的 “Pink Swoosh”,整體觀感自然是相當清新。據悉本次發售活動將於 12 月 2 號在 KITH 的Art Basel Miami 期間限定店中發售,對於 Air Force 1 情有獨鐘的朋友還請密切留意活動詳情。

If you know me, you know my favorite shoe of all time is the AF1 Linen. Over a year ago I spoke with Nike about officially bringing back this grail. This shoe represents a different time for sneakers, a time before the game became commercialized. Back then it was about the hunt, and you either had to physically travel somewhere to get the pair you wanted, or you had to know someone who knew someone else that had them. I told the Swoosh that if these were to be brought back, they had to be done in a way that would honor its original release. Not only did the quality have to be perfect, but so did the way they are brought to market. Being a Japan exclusive in 2001, we agreed that they had to remain a shoe that wasn’t sold online and was solely available in 1 place. Around this time I had begun work on another dream of mine – opening a Kith Miami flagship. The timing was amazing, and I am beyond excited to be the one to help reintroduce my favorite shoe ever to the world. 2016 has been an incredible year, and I’ve been able to live out so many of my personal dreams. Here goes another one. A Kith Miami global exclusive. Stay tuned to @kith for more info.

Ronnie Fieg(@ronniefieg)張貼的相片 於 張貼







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