鞋頭 2016/09/25 零售商吶喊:「求加碼!」adidas Originals YEEZY Boost 350 V2 供不應求! Share FacebookLINETwitterWhatsApp 如果一直有在關注 Yeezy Boost 銷售動態的粉絲們應該也有看到類似消息,就是這 V2 版本的生產量有比第一代多,不過想要的人還是多到不行。這回知名的球鞋網站 Sneakersnstuff 的 CEO Erik Fagerlind 在 Instagram 上面發出公開信,要求「加碼」!對於這 Yeezy 的飢餓行銷大家都看在眼裡,不過數量會少很大一部分是炒家囤貨,為了獲利目前 V2 的價格也提高到了 830 美金,許多真正想穿的買家更是無從入手啊! It’s yeezy season… I think we had more simultaneous visitors than @adidasoriginals global production of the Yeezy 350. I see a lot of people angry, frustrated and sad. And I share their frustration. We do all that we can for a fair and smooth release – but since we get nowhere near the qty to cover even 1% of the demand, people still misstrust us. I think there is a lesson to be learned here @adidasoriginals. If you continue to undercut the market this hard, people will get tired of trying. I know it is not likely that you will sell us 50000 pairs (I’m game if you are…). But you have to level the field here. Disrupting the marketplace with chaos on release day feels very 2015, and you are the “brand of the future”. I am in Herzo monday – happy to share all info, insight, feedback with anybody who cares #yeezy Erik SNS Sneakersnstuff(@erikfagerlind)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 9月 月 24 5:34上午 PDT 張貼 source: hypebeast Total 0 Shares Share 0 Tweet 0 Pin it 0 Share 0 Lorry Search Latest articles 2025 TIFA 賓杜.登貝雷《流_G.R.O.O.V.E.》給你 210 分鐘沉浸式體驗 2025/02/20 從街頭到舞台!跳動叛逆的靈魂!黑人街舞如何改變世界 2025/02/20 從超模、名媛到設計師!盤點巴黎時裝周上非裔族群的輝煌時刻 2025/02/20 你知道二月是黑人歷史月嗎?全球非裔文化狂潮!致敬黑人歷史月的盛宴 2025/02/20 Previous article你正在找的冬衣就在這!UNDEFEATED x A BATHING APE 2016 聯名系列服飾全覽!Next article大家都穿 Timberland,那你可以來試試這個!New Balance x Danner 聯名鞋款預覽! Related articles AIR MAX DN8:NIKE DYNAMIC AIR的全新篇章 台灣販售消息 2025/02/12 PUMA 情人節全新 PALERMO 翻蓋設計款浪漫上市 台灣販售消息 2025/02/12 adidas Originals 攜手陳冠希歡慶農曆新年推出 CLOT LNY 系列致敬蛇年靈動與自信 台灣販售消息 2025/01/17