來自紐約,由 Supreme 前創意總監 Brendon Babenzien 主理的品牌 Noah 稍早正式帶來了與知名滑板攝影師 Grant Brittain 以及義大利藝術雜誌 Arkitip 的合作項目,三方這次以 T-Shirt 為合作項目,以 Grant Brittain 所拍攝的最得他本人喜愛的三張照片燙上 T-Shirt,每件售價 $48 美元,這些照片佔了 $20 美元。另外 Arkitip 所屬編輯 SAS 也 Grant Brittain 有些簡單的對話,有興趣的朋友可以看看。
SAS: Have you or do you have a favorite skater to shoot?
GB: I have certain skaters that I still get stoked on shooting. I know that we together will get something stylish and timeless. Chris Miller, Tony Hawk, Steve Caballero and Christian Hosoi are still all good friends of mine and they make getting a good photo easy.SAS: How would you like to be remembered in the annals of skateboarding history?
GB: I just want to be remembered for shooting some quality images and that I shared my skate photography with the younger photographers coming up after me.
source : hypebeast