真的買的到!藤原浩 X Pokemon 鑰匙圈版迷你「黑魂皮卡丘」即將開放市售!

品牌:fragment design X《POKÉMON GO》



特色:fragment design 曾在前陣子與《POKÉMON GO》展開聯名,當時曝光的黑魂閃電皮卡丘玩偶令不少粉絲都相當心動,可惜的是當時該玩偶僅是親友及宣傳限定,並未開放市售,但稍早 THUNDERBOLT PROJECT 官網突然發布了最新發售消息,表示全系列將於 4 月 6 日於 Dover Street Market Ginza 搶先開放預訂,而後陸續登陸全球 DSM 門市,除了服裝單品外,更會發售當初由 Kevin Ma 搶先曝光的鑰匙圈版「黑魂皮卡丘」,相信這又會令一眾潮人陷入瘋狂。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


THUNDERBOLT PROJECT will release new items at all DOVER STREET MARKET(DSM) stores. Presale at Ginza,Tokyo on saturday, April 6. This time, there will not only be DSM exclusive items such as T-shirts and hoodies, but after many inquiries, we will be selling the THUNDERBOLT PROJECT Original Pikachu Mascot*(a smaller version of a Pikachu plush exhibited in HYPEFEST @hypefest and THE CONVENI @theconveni POP UP STORE)for the first time worldwide.  *Pikachu Mascot is not a DSM exclusive item. Pikachu stuffed toy is not on sale. *Item line-up such as T-shirts or hoodies depends on a store in London, Ginza, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Beijing. More details on products and sales information at DSM GINZA will be provided at a later date on the DSM GINZA website( https://ginza.doverstreetmarket.com/new-items ) or the THUNDERBOLT PROJECT Official Instagram. ■ List of Participating Stores All DOVER STREET MARKET Locations ・DSM GINZA: April-6 (Sat) 11:00〜 *A lottery will be held on the website of DSM GINZA to determine customers entering DSM GINZA in Tokyo on April-6. More details will be announced on their website soon. *DSM GINZA will star to sell items online on Saturday, April-6 at 11:00 am (Tokyo), too. https://ginza.doverstreetmarket.com/new-items. ・London, New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Beijing are scheduled to host this event in late April. For how to enter and other details, please contact the individual store.  #thunderbolt_project #tb_project #hiroshifujiwara #藤原ヒロシ #fragmentdesign #fragment #pokemon #ポケモン #doverstreetmarket #doverstreetmarketginza #dsm #dsmg

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