
即便現在醫學非常發達,不少民眾仍舊較為相信各式沒有根據的療法或偏方治療。尤其世界正值新冠肺炎,在有效疫苗尚在研發當中許多人寧可尋求特殊的方法來對抗 COVID-19。近期有一位英國網紅自疫情爆發後就一直以她「特殊的療法」來維持生活健康,而且還特別天然啊!



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Rate my tattoos out of 10? 💉 Then click the link in my bio to see more of me 🔥I’m so happy that gyms have finally reopened – as you’ve probably seen on my stories I go everyday! It fills me with so much energy and enthusiasm to have a daily morning workout and it’s nice to get back on track as my training has been disrupted since lockdown took hold. At the moment I’m seeing some great progress on legs which is something I adore as I love a bit of quad definition but still have a long way to go to get back to where I was or even attempt to make progress on my personal best. Although I’ve been training from home for the past few months, a change of scenery is a great motivator and keeps me on my toes, as for me there is no substitute for the variety of a gym. I’ve loved seeing people exercising outdoors, being more active, cycling and doing home workouts together – I hope that now the world is becoming more educated about the necessity of good health and regular exercise that it’s something people will start to enjoy and be more conscious of day to day. The gym has been a way of life for me for so long and helped me through so many struggles and obstacles; we can all do with a boost of inner strength, self worth and self belief at any age and any stage of life 💪🏼 #gains #gymmotivation #legdayeveryday #girlswholift #girlswithink Top: @femmeluxefinery

Tracy Kiss🇬🇧(@tracykissdotcom)分享的貼文 於 張貼


這位名叫 Tracy Kiss 的英國網紅以健身主題在 IG 上頗富盛名,除了分享自己的運動生活,更不吝嗇與網友分享她的好身材。已有兩個孩子的 Tracy 早先在個人社群上公開向粉絲談到她的健康秘訣,那就是每天喝一杯由蔬果打成的「綠拿鐵」。但其中的一項成分引起許多網友瘋傳討論,因為該原料正是青壯男性的「精液」….。



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I see food in very much the same way that I see thoughts – when you eat something healthy you feel good, when you focus on positive things throughout your day you also feel good. It’s when we have bad thoughts, stress or worry that we turn to bad food for comfort – crisps, cake, chocolate, ice cream and in turn feel unhappy with our bodies. No goodness can ever come from indulging in what is bad for us. It may momentarily make us feel a little better to have something that brings us comfort, but that’s only a temporary fix for our problems which will no go away by being ignored or papering over the cracks. What is truly necessary is to always be happy and healthy from within. It may seem impossible, life may feel utterly overwhelming right now to so many within quarantine, but small, positive steps forward each day will bring about a whole new life this time next year. It’s not a sprint or uphill battle with the odds stacked against you, it’s a gradual process of peacefully and patiently being better, feeling better and embracing change that is for the best 🙏🏼 when will you take your first step? #happygirl #goodfood #goodmood #soulfood #veganismisthefuture

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她認為精液本身有豐富的蛋白質,而且相對於一般藥物更顯天然,也大力讚揚了自己每週飲用「男友特調」三次的好成效。不僅大大提升免疫力使她自 2017 年開始飲用後都沒得過感冒或流感,更會用這個天然素材來保養皮膚。她也強調當然是越新鮮越好,但由於和男友是遠距離因此都會以冰塊的方式儲存。(小編打到這三觀已重整:))


via carters


via carters





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