小花要被疫情壓垮了嗎?村上隆藝術團隊 Kaikai Kiki 面臨破產!

潮流藝術各界各品牌皆爭相聯名的知名藝術家 Takashi Murakami 村上隆,昨日於個人 Instagram 發佈了一則 15 分鐘的影片,公開自己的藝術團隊 Kaikai Kiki 因為疫情所帶來的影響,正面臨破產的困境。

「2012 年上映的 Jellyfish Eyes 並沒有成功,但是這是我一直以來的夢想,我沒有辦法停止這項計畫,所以從 2012 年我開始拍攝 Jellyfish Eyes Part 2,到現在花了 8 年的時間,我花了很多錢、很多時間精力,以及花費了很多員工跟人們的努力,但是新冠肺炎帶來非常嚴重的影響,我最後只好選擇放棄。」



在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


This spring, I streamed a series of cooking show of a sort on Instagram Live. I’m sure those who watched them were utterly confused, but I was trying to buoy my own thoroughly sunken feelings through these streamings. With the sudden swoop of COVID-19 pandemic, my company faced bankruptcy and I had to give up on a number of projects, the most symbolic of which being the production of my sci-fi feature film, Jellyfish Eyes Part 2: Mahashankh. For nine long years, I had persevered! It was a film that was to realize my childish dreams! The enormous budget I poured into this project, as well as my tenacious persistence, put a constant and tremendous stress on my company’s operation for the past nine years. But at the same time, I was able to endure various hardships because I had this project. Faced with the current predicament, however, I was persuaded by both my business consultant and tax attorney that I must, simply must try and drastically reduce our business tax by filing the film’s production cost as tax-exempt expenditure. To that end, I am going to produce and release a series of videos to publicly announce the discontinuation of the film’s production. (To be clear, this is an entirely legitimate procedure—I’m not trying to evade tax!) These videos will be released against the backdrop of our struggle to avoid an economic catastrophe, but perhaps it may have a cathartic effect on the viewers/my followers to see the story of stupid Murakami’s failure. Long story short, I’m a silly human being for whom the moment of bliss is when I am thinking my truly childish sci-fi thoughts. I don’t know how many episodes the series will end up being, but a series it will be, so please come along with me on this journey for a little while.

Takashi Murakami(@takashipom)分享的貼文 於 張貼


因為公司面臨嚴重的資金短缺處境,因此村上隆花費八年一直堅持製作的科幻劇集《Jellyfish Eyes Part 2: Mahashankh》沒有辦法再繼續製作下去,而村上隆的藝術團隊 Kaikai Kiki 當然還會繼續運作下去,只是或許能影響世界的作品《Jellyfish Eyes Part 2: Mahashankh》將沒有辦法完整的呈現給這個世界。

粉絲如果沒看過在 2012 年發佈第一集的《Jellyfish Eyes》,不妨藉此機會欣賞一下村上隆如此努力要讓大眾看見的《Jellyfish Eyes》,或許給他一點鼓勵支持,村上隆未來就有動力能夠繼續做出後續作品。




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