這種玩笑也敢開?CrossFit 執行長失言導致 Reebok 宣佈停止合作關係!


最近因 George Floyd 事件,許多名人以及大品牌皆表示聲援或是給予社會實質貢獻,但今美國健身公司 CrossFit 執行長 Greg Glassman 因發表不得體言論,導致眾多體育館、體育員以及運動品牌皆紛紛停止與 CrossFit 的合作,而今運動大牌 Reebok 也宣佈將與 CrossFit 停止合作。



Greg Glassman 竟在現今社會動盪的氣氛下同時開了 George Floyd 以及 COVID-19 的玩笑,表示這次 George Floyd 的事件是「FLOYD-19」,導致運動品牌 Reebok 在與 CrossFit 即將合作十週年之際宣佈不再與 CrossFit 續約。



此事件導致許多運動員對 Cross Fit 此次的作為大感失望,像是運動員 Rich Froning 也宣佈與 CrossFit 停止合作關係。



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I’m not really sure how to start this. Loyalty is and always has been one of the values I hold strong to and have been anchored in throughout my life. My personal definition of loyalty takes into account and considers imperfection, making mistakes, asking forgiveness, and even showing grace to others who can never seem to get it right. However, my definition of loyalty does have firm boundaries. CrossFit has been something I’ve felt loyalty towards over the past 10 years. While I’ve struggled with some decisions made by CFHQ over the last couple of years and what I’ve felt like have personally alienated some of the people who sacrificed and helped grow its brand. That is nothing compared to what has happened the last couple of days and has made it impossible to stay loyal to leadership who make callous statements that alienate and divide in a time when unity is needed. When I really sit and reflect it hasn’t been CFHQ that I have been loyal to, but the community that supports inclusivity, fitness for all, and health. We will continue to be a part of that community but can no longer be loyal to someone or something that is so far from my own values. While I’m considering what our next steps are we cannot and will not stand with these comments or beliefs.

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Reebok 的聲明中表示「最近,我們正在與 CrossFit 討論最新的合約,但基於最近的事件,我們決定結束與 CrossFit HQ 的合作關係。不過到 2020 年結束為止,我們依舊會完成原本簽署的合約其義務。」


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