讓 Michael Jordan、Travis Scott、Beyoncé 等跨界大咖發聲的 2020 最重要事件之一


繼新冠肺炎後,George Floyd 被白人警察制伏致死的事件隨即成為全球最關注的議題之一,眾多名人皆為此發聲,讓我們來看看這些大咖名人們對於此事件說了什麼話以及做了甚麼事來支持因 George Floyd 所引發的種族議題吧。


Michael Jordan


Travis Scott


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Rest in heaven George Floyd 🌹

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Change.org 發起了「Justice For George Floyd」的請願書,組織聲稱它將成為該請願網站中 2020 年最重要並最受關注的請願書,在短短 48 小時內就獲得了 200 萬個連署,目前已有 1000 多萬的連署,並急遽增加中。




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If you want to demand more charges brought on all those involved in the death of George Floyd, click the link in my bio to sign the petition.

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Cardi B


LeBron James


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STILL!!!! 🤬😢😤

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Snoop Dogg


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👊🏿🙏🏽🌹 no justice just us🚔

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Meek Mill


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Its 2020 don’t even bring up a protest!!!!!! Now they killing us on camera it’s no excuses left!

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Ariana Grande


Justin Bieber


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this makes me absolutely sick. This makes me angry this man DIED. This makes me sad. Racism is evil We need to use our voice! Please people. I’m sorry GEORGE FLOYD

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