古馳 Gucci 打破了傳統的時尚日曆,並宣布將不再以季節展出時裝秀,而是每年縮減至兩次。
Gucci 創意總監亞歷山德羅·米歇爾 Alessandro Michele 發佈在 Gucci 官方 Instagram 的日記中宣布了這消息「我將放棄陳舊的季節性時裝秀,並重新獲得一個新的節奏。」他寫道「我們每年只會見兩次面,分享每個故事的新章節。不規則、愉快且絕對自由的章節,將以規則和體裁的結合來編寫。」
5/6 • “I believe that we can build our tomorrow also starting from a renewed capacity of denomination. Here comes the desire to baptize our new encounters by naming them after a language that has marvelously ancient roots: classical music language. Accordingly, there will be symphonies, rhapsodies, madrigals, nocturnes, overtures, concerts and minuets in the constellation of my creative path. Music, after all, has the sacred power to produce reverberations and connections. It travels beyond the borders, reconnecting the fragility to the infinity.” A new path in fashion that leaves behind the paraphernalia of leitmotifs that colonized our prior world, according to @alessandro_michele in ‘The Sacred Power of Producing Reverberations’, his diary entry for May 3, 2020. #AlessandroMichele Read his diary through link in bio.
Gucci(@gucci)分享的貼文 於 張貼
開雲集團 Kering 擁有的超級品牌 Gucci 是繼 Saint Laurent 之後的第二個奢侈品品牌,暗示了由於新冠肺炎大流行而導致時尚產業的廣泛變化。古馳 Gucci 的決定在推動改變時尚傳統的開發和展示系統的推動力上具有重要意義。
Gucci 計劃在週一舉行一次虛擬新聞發布會,之後將分享有關其決定的更多訊息。