嫌 Supreme 太貴不如買它前品牌總監的品牌,而且還在特賣中

Awake NY 今天舉行了 48 小時的限時搶購活動,整個網站的打折的從五折低到甚至三折! 而所得款項的一部分將捐贈給紐約移民聯盟(NYIC)和紐約大道(Make the Road),在武漢肺炎危機期間向無證件工人提供緊急援助。目前還沒有可提供哪些物品的消息,但我想大家應該最希望看到其最近與 Carhartt WIP 合作的一些作品以及經典的Awake印刷單品和配件吧。


Angelo Baque

Awake NY 是前 SUPREME 團隊品牌總監的 Angelo Baque 所創辦,系列的設計大部分都是只用讓人覺得有點單調的 Awake 字樣,但其實這樣精練的設計更具有說服性,希望自己的品牌脫離炒價還有不想被現今的消費主義所吞沒。




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Awake NY is pleased to announce its 2020 Archive Sale. A portion of all proceeds will be donated to The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) and Make the Road NY. Both organizations are currently providing COVID-19 emergency relief for laid off undocumented workers. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ The New York Immigration Coalition is an umbrella policy & advocacy organization that represents over 200 immigrants and refugees rights throughout New York. Make the Road NY is an organization that works to provide undocumented citizens in NY with the necessary resources to tackle discrimination, abuse and poverty through legal and survival services, transformative education, community organizing, and policy innovation.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 50-70% off the entire site✂️⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ 48 HOUR FLASH SALE!! ⁣ Available Wednesday, 10:00AM EST – online at ⁣⁣⁣⁣awakenyclothing.com⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ Link in bio⁣ ⁣ We will be shipping international orders!! Please be advised that shipping will take longer than usual.

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