
2012 年曾在尼克隊締造「林來瘋」傳奇的台裔 NBA 球員林書豪,在籃網隊經歷兩年大傷後被老鷹隊相中,可惜卻因球隊規劃未能受到重用,好在林書豪並未輕易放棄,日前 NBA 再次傳出林書豪的交易消息,而這次相中他的竟然是東區強權多倫多暴龍隊,而這無疑是對他實力的一種肯定,同時老鷹隊前教練也表示林書豪的加入將對暴龍的後場起到補強作用,相信接下來的暴龍隊實力又將上漲一截。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


THANK YOU to the Hawks so much for this opportunity. Coming off of 2 years of being injured, you helped me become myself again on the basketball court and allowed me to experience the joy of hoops again! Thank you to the Ressler family, to Travis, to Coach Pierce, to my teammates. An organization that does things the right way, treats people the right way! What an honor it’s been to get to play with Vince the 🐐 and to watch these young guys develop. The future is bright for Atlanta!!! I truly mean that! Everyone who knows me knows how big my dreams are and that I have so much left to give to the game. Hyped to join the Raptors!! Galatians 6:9 #WeTheNorth #NeverDone

Jeremy Lin 林書豪(@jlin7)分享的貼文 於 張貼

而對於這一次的交易,林書豪也在 IG 上公開感謝老鷹隊願意給受傷的他機會表現,同時也感謝老鷹隊的隊友、教練與他一起打球和競爭,從其他隊友在 Twitter、IG 的回應也能看出他在老鷹隊的人緣確實不錯。

暴龍隊替補後衛 Fred VanVleet 日前因手部受傷,宣布將休養三周無法上場,因此相信林書豪轉到暴龍隊後,很快有能有機會正式上場,接下來就請各位一同看看「林來瘋」是否能再次發威吧!

Source : Google

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