Jerry Lorenzo 親自分享 Air Fear Of God 1s 最新「粉系」配色設計?

2018 年末討論度極高的 Nike X Fear Of God 系列中,最為搶手的應該就是多次曝光 Air Fear Of God 1s 了吧,黑灰配色可以說是吸引了所有極簡風格潮人的目光,而稍早 Fear Of God 主理人 Jerry Lorenzo 卻在他的 Instagram 上曝光了 Air Fear Of God 的最新配色設計?


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


…over the past year we’ve sampled tons of sneakers in lots of colorways, fabrics, materials, etc… i design in 3d so i have to touch and feel it before pulling the trigger. my gifts are in physicality not photoshop. there’s actually about 20 to 30 more vibes/sneakers in this box… some will see the light of day, some may forever live in this box… in an era of leaks, i’m not mad this colorway made the light of day… i actually love this orange box color cage and bone upper vibe… this shoe for was made for @famu_1887 mens/womens hoop teams… when i played baseball there in the 90’s we didnt have coordinated team shoes and we just wore whatever we could afford… playing ball at a black college in the 90’s was everything except D1. …anyhow, i said if i ever get the opportunity i’m going to make @famuathletics what michicgan and the fab 5 were to me in college or what orgegon is to kids today… so anyhow, this is a just a sample from that train of thought… not sure whether or not it sees the light of day or hits the @famuathletics teams, but thought i’d provide you with the context of the spirit behind this (sample) shoe… everything we do has reason and has foundation. we don’t move on hype. and we dont ride waves. 👊🏽

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根據 Jerry Lorenzo 的說法,這箱子中的版本乃是他先前設計時所構思的其他配色,而在箱子中共有 20-30 種的不同版本,有些未來可能會量產市售,有些則將永遠塵封在箱子中,對 Jerry Lorenzo 的其他設計有興趣的朋友們不妨關注我們的後續追蹤報導,或許有機會看見更鮮艷的配色上市也不一定?

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