先前曾為大家報導 Thrasher 怒嗆 Forever 21 的抄襲事件,當時許多網友就表示 H&M 也有相同概念的抄襲事件,單純字樣變更罷了!今番,Thrasher 再度在 IG 貼出新文章,轉發 H&M 律師團針對他們控訴抄襲事件的回應,如下:
“To the extent your contention is that H&M used the word “trippin” to indicate the source of the Sweatshirt, that allegation is misplaced. H&M’s use of the word “trippin” is merely an ornamental or decorative feature on the Sweatshirt. Most purchases of the Sweatshirt would not automatically thin the word “trippin” identified the source of the Sweatshirt, but instead would view the world “trippin” as merely decorative.
Moreover, the words “tripping” and “Thrasher” and/or “Thrasher Magazine” do not sound alike nor look alike. While both words start with the letter “T” that is not enough to succeed on a likelikhood of confusion claim.”
文函中解釋他們不認為「trippin」一詞能是個代表性的單字,根本沒搞清楚重點是在講「火焰」這個元素,所以 Thrasher IG 的貼文也是:F**k Off again 囉!