繼不久前才跟《七龍珠Z Dragon Ball Z》聯名合作的 A BATHING APE®,也即將要與 Tommy Jeans 聯名合作的消息釋出後,又有令人振奮的新動作了!紅遍全球的美國漫畫《加菲貓 Garfield》應該還記得吧?A BATHING APE® x Garfield 將於本週假日登場!
The world’s most popular cat, Garfield, and BAPE®️ come together for the first time. Garfield made his debut in a daily newspaper comic strip in 1978, and since then, has starred in his own animated television series and movies. Garfield’s cuddly body and half-eyed eyes are his trademarks. He is also a goofball and despite his sarcastic humor, has a charming personality that makes him a favorite among children and adults all over the world. The collection includes tees, hoodies, cap, and tote bag, which are items that are great for everyday use. Tees in kid’s sizes will be available as well, so the collection can be worn by families! The Garfield collaboration with BAPE®️ will be available on Saturday, July 4th, 2020. #bape #garfield
A BATHING APE® OFFICIAL(@bape_japan)分享的貼文 於 張貼
合作作品包括短 T、帽 T、棒球帽、手提包等等,將於 7 月 4 日於 A BATHING APE® 門市以及官網販售,粉絲們記得假日順便去店裡晃晃吧!