果然本性難移,Supreme 新一季最受歡迎單品再次被爆料「抄襲」?!

Supreme 2019 春夏季商品於本周曝光,更在昨日迎來第一次發售,而向來習慣在開季之初便曝光大部分單品的 Supreme 也不免俗地會被消費者放大檢視,而日前以揭露 Supreme 抄襲事實出名的 IG 帳號 @supremecopies 再次挖出了兩項被今季 Supreme 抄襲的單品,而且都還是這一季最受歡迎的品項?!


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And here we go with the first post of ‘SS 19. I know many of you probably could have guessed without a visual representation, but yes, much like the Eagles zip up a couple of seasons back, Supreme has once again taken to referencing the likes of county fair and gas station apparel. There is really not a whole lot to be said about this one; the vintage fleece on the top is likely from the early 00’s and there is about 15+ different variants of wolf images that have graced a fleece before- the pictured one being the closest to Supreme’s pattern. I really can’t puzzle a why to this piece except that they are common in some parts of America and will genuinely run you pretty cheap for a fleece jacket, at least until Supreme’s branding touches it. Thanks to everyone who sent this in, I have a ton more interesting stuff to cover this season I just wanted to get this out of the way!

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這一季公布之初,眾人的目光可說是都集中在上面那件「狼群」外套上,大大的 Supreme 字樣結合野狼印花的搖粒絨外套,將這件單品表現的野性無比,從 supremecopies 的貼文看來,該單品乃是 2000 左右在路上相當流行的品項,在當代算是很多品牌都會出的設計,價格也很便宜。有興趣的各位與其花大價錢,不如仔細地找找看網路上有沒有類似物件,或許可以便宜入手也不一定呢?


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It looks like Supreme paid homage to Lagerfeld’s vision once more before his passing. The ‘Bonded,’ logo puffy jacket (releasing tomorrow) was likely a reference to the pictured Chanel puffer. I post this with slight hesitance- while this piece may be reminiscent of early 00’s Chanel, it was actually released as part of the fashion powerhouse’s 2017 collection. This was indeed a runway piece, and retailed for around $5,000. Supreme abandoned the tie straps, likely for functionality purposes, but kept the general shape of the jacket in tact, including the omission of a hood. While normally I would toss any idea of Supreme being inspired by something released in the last two years out the window- Chanel is a rare exception. This isn’t just any puffer jacket keep in mind, and besides a Wall Street Journal article on whether or not a $5,000 jacket is worth it, there’s very few images or information about this piece online. Supreme has publicly addressed Karl’s passing along with a quote “thank you for inspiring us all.”

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而在昨日發布的這件壓印 Supreme 外套,根據 supremecopies 的說法,靈感很有可能是來自 2017 Chanel 發布的一件外套,價值 $5,000 美金,而很剛好的是,雖然 Supreme 團隊應該無法預知未來,但在 Karl Lagerfeld 過世後,這件外套可能是 Supreme 對一代大師的最佳緬懷。

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