Nike KD 7 “Good Apples” 最新鞋款曝光

Nike 為旗下巨星 Kevin Durant 的個人鞋款 KD 7 推出最新系列 Nike KD 7 “Good Apples”,這雙新鞋甚至請 Kevin Durant 親自拍攝視頻,告訴大家為何取名為 “Good Apples”。”Good Apples”(好蘋果)是種隱喻,取名靈感來自 Durant 表示自己對於得分的選擇就跟採摘蘋果的方式一樣:

“I approach scoring like apple picking,” says Durant. “Keep the good ones and leave the rotten ones.”

今年拿到年度最佳球員的 Kevin Durant,球風日漸成熟的他已經擁有自我的籃球哲學,為此他提出一種概念,他會針對自己擁有的投籃機會分別出是好是壞,好的選擇(好蘋果)會使用不同的得分手段,至於過遠的三分投射與被防守逼迫的後仰跳投就像爛蘋果。

“Let’s say you have 40 apples on your tree,” says Durant. “I could eat about 30 of them, but I’ve begun limiting myself to 15 or 16. Let’s take the wide-open three and post-up at the nail. Those are good apples. Let’s throw out the pull-up three in transition and the step-back fade away. Those are rotten apples.”

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