價值數十億!Taylor Swift 六張專輯版權易主,天后痛批買主「噁心」!小賈反控:「博取同情心!」

泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的前東家大機器唱片(Big Machine Records)執行長史考特(Scott Borchetta),以超過 3 億美金(約台幣90億)的天價將公司廠牌賣給知名經紀人史庫特(Scooter Braun)的娛樂公司 Ithaca Holdings,包括泰勒絲生涯前 6 張專輯在內,全部都轉移到史庫特的名下,引發粉絲不滿,在推特上發起 #WeStandWithTaylor 聲援,甚至掀起歌手互相選邊站對嗆的情況,事件愈演愈烈。

去年 11 月,泰勒絲與大機器唱片的合約正式宣告結束,隨後天后在社群媒體上宣佈加盟聯眾唱片(Republic Records),並即將於今年 8 月發行換了新東家的首張專輯《Lover》。而不與前東家續約的原因有很多,但最大的問題出在「版權」身上,根據外媒估計,泰勒絲每張唱片價值高達 2000 萬美金(約台幣 6 億),泰勒絲希望續約的前提是能掌控自己唱片的所有版權,但這也是大機器唯一的籌碼,果然談判破局後,不到一年的時間,大機器就以 3 億美金易主,而其中有大約一半的費用是在收購泰勒絲的6張唱片版權。

泰勒絲於社群媒體 Tumblr 上寫下對於前東家易主的不滿和失望,會有這樣的情緒一方面是史考特與泰勒絲交情甚久,但她卻是「跟全世界的人一起知道這件事」,有種背刺的感覺;另一方面,買主是曾與肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)、金卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)和小賈斯汀(Justin Bieber)聯合起來「霸凌」泰勒絲的史庫特,這讓她更不能接受自己 6 張寶貝作品落入「敵人」手中,痛心不已,直批史庫特令她作嘔。

消息釋出後,包括海爾希(Halsey)、凱蒂佩芮(Katy Perry)、伊姬阿潔莉亞(Iggy Azalea)、席琳娜(Selena Gomez)的媽媽、演員兼模特兒卡拉迪樂芬妮(Cara Delevingne)等人都站出來為泰勒絲發聲,粉絲們也在推特上發起 #WeStandWithTaylor 的活動,短短幾小時立刻成為全球熱搜冠軍,顯示天后的廣大影響力,而泰勒絲轉推海爾希的貼文表示贊同。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


Hey Taylor. First of all i would like to apologize for posting that hurtful instagram post, at the time i thought it was funny but looking back it was distasteful and insensitive.. I have to be honest though it was my caption and post that I screenshoted of scooter and Kanye that said “taylor swift what up” he didnt have anything to do with it and it wasnt even a part of the conversation in all actuality he was the person who told me not to joke like that.. Scooter has had your back since the days you graciously let me open up for you.! As the years have passed we haven’t crossed paths and gotten to communicate our differences, hurts or frustrations. So for you to take it to social media and get people to hate on scooter isn’t fair. What were you trying to accomplish by posting that blog? seems to me like it was to get sympathy u also knew that in posting that your fans would go and bully scooter. Anyway, One thing i know is both scooter and i love you. I feel like the only way to resolve conflict is through communication. So banter back and fourth online i dont believe solves anything. I’m sure Scooter and i would love to talk to you and resolve any conflict, pain or or any feelings that need to be addressed. Neither scooter or i have anything negative to say about you we truly want the best for you. I usually don’t rebuttal things like this but when you try and deface someone i loves character thats crossing a line..

Justin Bieber(@justinbieber)分享的貼文 於 張貼

卻也有人跳出來為史庫特說話,包括小賈斯汀、黛咪洛瓦特(Demi Lovato)和 Ty Dolla $ign 等人,由於小賈斯汀的經紀人正是史庫特,他認為史庫特「並不是這樣的人,而且私下很支持泰勒絲」,小賈斯汀也為自己在 2016 年 PO 出的霸凌文道歉,但反控泰勒絲這樣寫出文章的行為「不也是在霸凌別人嗎?」,表示她的粉絲數量眾多而且都聽她的話,認為泰勒絲根本在向群眾「討拍和博取同情」,希望能有更良好的溝通方式。

而大機器唱片的執行長史考特更直接在公司官網上發表聲明,表示在消息正式宣布前就已經傳訊息給泰勒絲讓對方知道,並不像她說的「跟著全世界一起知道」,而且泰勒絲的爸爸 Scott Swift 也是大機器的股東之一,在公司決定易主前所召開的股東大會,泰勒絲爸爸也有出席,並且是股東達成共識投票後的結果,想當然這麼重要的決定會告訴自己女兒才對。而史考特也在聲明中提到先前與泰勒絲續約的要求,表示一定會把版權給她,「但她卻選擇離開」讓公司高層不得不做出這個決定。

目前粉絲們已經自動發起連署,希望泰勒絲能夠重新錄製 6 張專輯裡的所有歌曲,重新釋出給大眾來反擊這項交易的目的,而凱蒂佩芮也響應這項活動,顯示兩人從〈You Need To Calm Down〉後的好交情;其他歌手包括麥莉(Miley Cyrus)、妮姬米娜(Nicki Minaj)、席琳娜、蕾哈娜(Rihanna)、愛黛兒(Adele)、拉娜德芮(Lana Del Rey)等眾天后們雖然沒有實質發聲,卻也默默在 IG 上將史庫特踢出追蹤名單,低調支持泰勒絲。

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