小花包袋要來了!村上隆 X PORTER 聯乘系列發售情報公開!

品牌:PORTER X 村上隆



消息:相信平日有在注意潮流消息的朋友們都有注意到先前當代藝術大師村上隆曝光與知名包袋品牌 PORTER 聯名的鞋款,並從中推測雙方的聯名系列即將到來,而稍早村上隆在 IG 再次 Po 出一篇新貼文,並在其中曝光了兩ˊ款前所未見的「小花包包」,從圖片中可以看到一款小花外型的肩包及一款繡著兩朵小花的郵差包,而包袋的面料則用上了 PORTER 常用的高強度尼龍面料。




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This spring I will make colabo w Porter @yoshidakaban.official . Very soon. 📷 @chiaki_kasahara_

Takashi Murakami(@takashipom)分享的貼文 於 張貼


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In the last few years, I have thought about the reality of the distance between sneaker culture and myself. I felt like it was a game that I would be able to play once I understood the rules; and so I began my sneaker journey, taking action and studying everything I could. With that in mind, I would like to share a midway progress report on the direction that I have been working on since spring. Here it is! Thanks to @yoshidakaban.official who has rescued us in numerous ways, from choosing materials to helping with the bag production process, the project has begun to take shape. The production was overseen by @wakamoon and Kaikai Kiki’s very own design team! @shisho_kaikaikiki @kazami.su @puq_mayumi There is a little bit more to go until completion, but I wanted to update and report my progress on my new adventure.

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