對於這次的 Supreme X 吳宇森《The Killer》,你願意付出多少代價?

今日正逢 Supreme Week 10 的發售,今周最值得期待的系列想必就是 Supreme X 吳宇森《The Killer》的聯名了,早前我們也曾為各位報導過該系列的細節,但除了在目錄上的 M65 Field Jacket 外,其實該系列還將推出包括 T 恤、長 T、Hoodie、滑板等一系列單品,其中人氣最高的想必就是有周潤發與李修賢持槍對峙畫面的 T 恤及大傻的 Hoodie 了吧。


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Supreme “The Killer” For Week 10 – The Killer is a 1989 action film written and directed by John Woo. Chow Yun-fat plays Ah Jong, a Hong Kong Triad assassin who damages a nightclub singer’s eyes during a shootout. To fund the operation that will save her sight, Ah Jong accepts one final job — where he is discovered by Li Ying, a police detective who becomes obsessed with the hitman’s code of ethics. The Killer is often referred to as a “bullet ballet” — revered for both its intricately choreographed battles and its notions of honor. This fall, Supreme has worked on a collection featuring imagery from The Killer. The collection consists of an M-65 Jacket, Hooded Sweatshirt, two T-Shirts and a Skateboard. Available in-store NY, Brooklyn, LA, London, Paris and online October 25th. Available in Japan on October 27th.

Jay Preme(@dropsbyjay)分享的貼文 於 張貼

有鑑於該系列的高人氣效應,IG 有網友決定來預測今周熱門商品的炒賣狀況,例如 T 恤定價 48 美金,將會炒到 2-3 倍的高價;Hoodie 雖然定價更高,但也有機會衝破 2 倍金額;而板身定價 66 美金,但炒到 150 美金也是有機會的,而其餘單品雖然也有一定的漲幅,但價差不大,而根據這組預測,我們能大致推斷出發售時的秒殺程度,如果真的有很想要入手該系列的朋友,或許能考慮從漲幅較小的單品下手,總之,還是祝大家成功搶到自己喜愛的單品!

(via IG)

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