踢到鐵板!肯爺為了抄襲 Nike 而道歉。

肯爺 Kanye West 曾在個人推特上發表了一張與服飾相關的人體構造圖片,並激動表示對自己的新設計團隊感到興奮。而就在他貼出這張圖之後,即被 @diet_prada 抓個正著,還打臉嗆道:「把畫稿的抬頭用 PS 移掉就說是自己的?」


Ever-controversial Kanye is no stranger to digging in the far reaches of the internet for inspiration. Is Ye just showing his creative process with inspiration images or claiming the work to be his own? Photoshopping out the title of the sketch in the top left corner is pretty much a dead giveaway lol. The original by designer @tonyspackman was done in 2005 for a @nike collection called “Living Apparel” which eventually became “Nike React”, a running collection grounded in freedom of movement and human comfort. Can we just call it Yee?y now? ? • #yeezy #kanyewest #kanye #kimye #theft #inspiration #illustration #design #fashiondesign #sportswear #streetwear #athleisure #nike #streetstyle #running #nikerunning #hypebeast #highsnobiety #snobshots #wiwt #ootd #copycat #knockoff #wtf #dietprada

Diet Prada ™(@diet_prada)分享的貼文 於 張貼


想不道肯爺表示興奮的東西竟然是個「盜版品」?而且更打臉的來了。該張設計圖原作者為 Tony Spackman,而那張圖更是在 2005 年就已經畫出來;使用目更是為了要運用在 Nike 的生活機能服飾上,爾後也成為了 「Nike React」系列。

也就是說 Kanye West 表示興奮的內容,竟是 Nike 過期的服裝支線草圖?!相信這會讓他十分尷尬!

但肯爺也算是提的起放的下,不但在個人推特發言表示提供該圖的設計師已遭解雇之外,他更在另外一則推特貼文點名指出該素描的原作者為 Tony Spackman。






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