話題 / Under Armour 老闆公開挺川普,Curry 有話要說:假如與我立場不同,不排除脫離 UA!

第三大運動品牌 Under Armour 老闆兼 CEO Kevin Plank 近期公開力挺川普,表示川普是個國家資產(asset),認為川普是個敢作敢當,是個有 Guts 的領導人,比起紙上空談的人優秀太多!身為品牌旗下的代言人 Stephen Curry 卻不這麼認為,他認為 Kevin Plank 的言論只要把 asset 的「et」拿掉,我就同意。Curry 在去年的總統大選中聲援希拉蕊,川普提出許多的高壓政策,Curry 是無法苟同的。

Curry 表示他花了許多時間,透過電話與老闆 Kevin Plank 和 UA 溝通公司的立場,風波後 UA 官方也釋出了相關聲明稿,表示 CEO 的言論單純針對貿易領域,談的是生意方面的政策,而非大家想的社會議題。Curry 表示他不認同川普的部份言論與政策,但他就是民選的新任總統,他會尊重川普,對他來說賺錢、賣鞋並非最大重點,而是在乎他能否改變人民的生活,假如 UA 在日後與川普同一陣線,與他立場相斥,他不會排除離開 UA,投效他人。

Curry 聲明

“If there is a situation where I can look at myself in the mirror and say they don’t have my best intentions, they don’t have the right attitude about taking care of people,”

“If I can say the leadership is not in line with my core values, then there is no amount of money, there is no platform I wouldn’t jump off if it wasn’t in line with who I am. So that’s a decision I will make every single day when I wake up. If something is not in line with what I’m about, then, yeah, I definitely need to take a stance in that respect.”


“At Under Armour, our culture has always been about optimism, teamwork, and unity. We have engaged with both the prior and the current administrations in advocating on business issues that we believe are in the best interests of our consumers, teammates, and shareholders. Kevin Plank was recently invited at the request of the President of the United States, to join the American Manufacturing Council as part of a distinguished group of business leaders. He joined CEOs from companies such as Dow Chemical, Dell, Ford, GE, and Tesla, among others to begin an important dialogue around creating jobs in America. We believe it is important for Under Armour to be a part of that discussion.

“We have always been committed to developing innovative ways to support and invest in American jobs and manufacturing. For years, Under Armour has had a long-term strategy for domestic manufacturing and we recently launched our first women’s collection made in our hometown of Baltimore, MD. We are incredibly proud of this important first step in the evolution of creating more jobs at home.

“We engage in policy, not politics. We believe in advocating for fair trade, an inclusive immigration policy that welcomes the best and the brightest and those seeking opportunity in the great tradition of our country, and tax reform that drives hiring to help create new jobs globally, across America and in Baltimore.

“We have teammates from different religions, races, nationalities, genders, and sexual orientations; different ages, life experiences, and opinions. This is the core of our company. At Under Armour, our diversity is our strength, and we will continue to advocate for policies that Protect Our House, our business, our team, and our community.”


via BR


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