肯爺調戲麥當勞?Frank Ocean 全新專輯《Blonde》中竟出現了這樣一首詩

備受多位指標人物推崇的美國流行歌手 Frank Ocean,其最新音樂創作大碟《Blonde》是在早先公開發行,並於短日之內引起話題,受關注的程度足見他人氣之高。Frank Ocean 是已得到葛萊美讚譽的歌手,而《Blonde》所收穫的評論更是將他的聲勢再往上提升許多,並且作品當中的不少話題內容,包括附贈的限量刊物《Boys Don’t Cry》裡,一首由 Kanye West 撰寫的詩《The McDonald’s Man》,火速得到眾人的討論:


McDonalds man
McDonalds man
The French fries had a plan
The French fries had a plan
The salad bad and the ketchup made a band
Cus the French fries had a plan
The French fries had a plan

McDonalds man
McDonalds man
I know them French fries had a plan
I know them French fries had a plan
The cheeseburger and the shakes formed a band
To overthrow the French fries plan
I always knew them French fries was evil man
Smelling all good and shit
I don’t trust no food that smells that good man
I don’t trust it
I just can’t

McDonalds man
McDonalds man
McDonalds, damn
Them French fries look good tho
I knew the diet Coke was jealous of the fries
I knew the McNuggets was jealous of the fries
I could see it through his artificial meat eyes
And he only be there some of the time
Everyone was jealous of them French fries
Expect for that one special guy
That smooth apple pie”







OK,這首 “歌頌” 麥當勞的詩說不上有什麼水準,但因為是 Kanye 的作品,便能產生許多的話題,以及受到 McDonald 官方在 Twitter 上的回應:


無論 Kanye 寫這首詩的靈感與動機為何,但如此出手,是為 Frank Ocean 的全新專輯《Blonde》炒熱了一番,就結果來看,是相當成功的,而各位朋友們不妨聆聽這張撼動許多人聽覺的音樂創作吧。



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