專欄/語不驚人死不休的 Kanye West,還曾說過哪些超狂的話?

作為當今流行領域中的狂人,Kanye West 所觸及的範圍及事業相當廣泛,包括音樂本行、以及廣為街頭人士所知的時尚、球鞋產業。撇開爭議與評價,Kanye 有理由是目前最具影響力的男性之一,而當然,他自己早已這樣認為。美國時間 6 月 8 日,Kanye 來到了 39 歲的生日,回顧他目前的豐功,專輯大賣、球鞋熱炒、話題不斷,他在某個層面上已取得相當大的成功,但我們相信,他還不會善罷干休,往後的日子裡,要持續帶給世人難以預測的衝擊。OVERDOPE.COM 整理了 Kanye 曾說過的一些十分驚人與自滿的話,並在此祝他:「生日快樂。」



Photo via vocativ


I hate when I’m on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for this water bottle


my music isn’t just music- its medicine.


Photo via variety

Sometimes when I see a bad performance and people still clap… I wonder if they’re clapping because they liked what they saw or because they’re happy it’s over?


Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book’s autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books.


f9285417_GettyImages-486014010.xxxlarge_2xPhoto via popsugar

I think what Kanye West is going to mean is something similar to what Steve Jobs means. I am undoubtedly, you know, Steve of internet, downtown, fashion, culture. Period.
我認為 Kanye West 的意義將會接近 Steve Jobs 的意義。我無庸置疑的,像是網路、市中心、時尚、文化的 Steve Jobs,沒有之一。


You should only believe about 90 percent of what I say. As a matter of fact, don’t even believe anything that I’m saying at all. I could be completely fucking with you, and the world, the entire time.
你可能只應該相信我 90% 的話語。實際上,完全不要相信我說的話。我可能這一整個時間,都完全只是想跟你、這個世界打嘴砲而已。


kanye-west-announced-hes-running-for-president-in-2020-and-the-internet-is-going-wildPhoto via techinsider

Visiting my mind is like visiting the Hermès factory. Sh*t is real.


I am the number one human being in music. That means any person that’s living or breathing is number two.



Kanye West 早先在《The Ellen DeGeneres Show》上長達 8 分鐘的演講:




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