續集確定!2016 年派拉蒙影業上映《忍者龜:變種世代2》

《忍者龜:變種世代》於上禮禮拜五父親節正式上映,美國與台北都雙雙拿下首周冠軍,開出紅盤,美國以 6,500萬 美元(約台幣19.6億)的票房創下佳績;全台則有3千9百多萬新台幣的好成績。此片表現出色,派拉蒙影業趁勢宣布將在 2016 年推出續集。

根據 Deadline 報導,派拉蒙影業主席亞當古德曼(Adam Goodman)談論了關於推動續集計畫的想法:

“Launching a new take on the Turtles into the feature film world was a daunting task because as fans of them ourselves, we felt a great responsibility to ensure audiences were going to experience everything they loved about the Turtles, while also getting to see them brought to life in a way they had never been seen before,” said Adam Goodman, President of Paramount’s Film Group in a statement this AM. “The result exceeded our high expectations and the response to the film is beyond great, making it all the more fun to get started on the continuation of their story.”






Source: deadline

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